Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Goodnews Bible Church

Thursday 16 July 2020.
GoodNews Bible Church
Apostle George Amandi

SCRIPTURE: And now,”brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Acts 20:32

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The rainfall of the Word on your spirit will make people begin to wonder what happened to you.
Sometime ago, I was watching a documentary while on a retreat somewhere. On the documentary, they featured a scene of rainfall on the Kalahari Desert, and all of a sudden, flowers, toads and whatever had been hiding in the ground, sprang out of the ground. What brought them out? It was the rain. Rain fell on the desert and whatever the earth carried came out.
Now, God made human beings from the earth, so we are earth too. That means that things inside you that need to germinate can also germinate by the rain of the Word; there are graces you carry that you have never manifested. There are potentials and unction of the spirit that are buried in you that you have never experienced.

The truth is, one revelation will pull them out. The rainfall of the Word on your spirit will make people begin to wonder what happened to you. They will wonder if you are not the person they used to know. Maybe you do not know the potentials you carry or you are having difficulties in expressing them, all you need is the rain of God’s Word.
So, the Word of God releases your potentials for the fulfilment of your destiny.

Remember this: The rainfall of the Word on your spirit will make people begin to wonder what happened to you.

1. Determine to explore all the potentials God has given you.
2. Make demands on God for the unveiling and deployment of all the potentials in you.
3. Bring your life into constant touch with His Word. 

PRAYER: Lord, cause me to be addicted to Your Word. Let every potential buried in me come out, Lord in Jesus Name.

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